Final day was the day of menswear. As you’ve already guessed I was excited so excited that I went to the show even though I had (still have) the flu. I’m glad I got to see the contemporary fashion performance of the Tallinn Fashion Week’s (TFW) last day. As it was built up as a performance art then I didn’t look for the typical seasonal fashion but the fashion as a mix of art and design. Big thanks to Kiwa, ETK and the production team! It was a cool experience.
Set in a room with old tv-s and lots of wires and the tangling and untangling being the main activity. It was nice to see the clothes in movement on actual people.
I have been a fan of Reet Aus’s upscylcling system and methods behind her fashion. Unfortunately the final design of the garments hasn’t been my fashion cup of tea most often. Tho, there have been pieces I have liked. Problem is that if you say upcycle and the clothes look like they’re made from leftovers, be it creatively or not, my mind jumps too far to the treehugger world (I’m sorry). But the menswear that I saw at TFW was much more modern looking than I expected. Which was awesome! Textiles looked (at least on TV-screens) sleek. Keep up the cool factor and I become a true believer of the designs too!
My favourite collection of the week! Wow! I was really impressed with Triinu Pungits’ designs. Everything looked modern, sleek and fashion forward. This is what I’ve been seeing going on at independent menswear fashion houses all over the world. Touch of the it topic – gender neutrality – was evident. I’m sad that there was so few pieces. I would have loved to see a proper full collection. Kudos Triinu! I hope there’s gonna come some more menswear from her in the future. I really see some export potential for this kind of style.
The most flamboyant collection of the night. Taavi Turk has had always a cold dark humour to his clothes. The sequins rocked the night this time. I understand and see the vision behind the performance but for me the gay clichés are getting a little old. Tho, the theme suited for the night. But I can bet the glittering pieces would be much more cooler and modern in an editorial with men’s men wearing them. I missed the roughness that would have balanced the things off perfectly. But in the end it was a performance and for that I have to say kudos! Tho, from this point on I’m looking forward to see a more commercial collection from him. There needs to be balance between art and design in fashion for it too grow into a viable business. Question is if the man behind it wants it to grow into a business or not?
That’s all folks for this years Tallinn Fashion Week coverage.
To sum up the 4 days I have to say that there is a lot a lot a lot of room to grow. Designers to grow to understand that fashion is also a business. The organiser to grow to understand that fashion week is more than the shows. Audience to grow to ask for more fashion, more design, more fun.
I have some thoughts on the overall event too, but I will leave these for a separate post.
Until the next time! Cheers!
Photos: Mark Raidpere