Zucchini chips

To get some other type of crunchy taste while on my tummy healing diet and thought of chips. So I did some google research, gathered all the info about the mistakes and wrong doings and settled on slow cooking to be sure. Here’s what I did.

What you need:

Olive oil
Cayenne pepper (optional)

What to do:

Sliced the zucchini as thinly as you manage (i ended up with like 1-2 mm thick slices). Afterwards I thought of using the veggie peeler.

Now the crucial part. Oil the slices. To keep from over oiling I lured some olive oil onto a platter and dipped my hands in there and then rubbed each slice from both sides to slightly cover the zucchini with olive oil.

Place slices to an oven tray and put to oven. Heat the oven to 110°C and bake the chips for 1-2 hours. Check back to the chips every 15 minutes as the cooking time depends on the slice thickness. My 1-2 mm slices took 2 hours to cook. In the middle I flipped the chips around to get more even drying.

When chips are done. Put them into a bowl and season with salt and cayenne pepper. Enjoy!

Zucchini Chips (pellissimo.ee)

Bon appétit!

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